Latest news from our team The story of Accountflow The story can be traced back to when the brothers, and co-founders, Sebastian and Daniel Jara were small. Their father … Statusoppdatering Axer Eiendom moved away from spreadsheets and simplified the reconciliation Group Controller in Axer Eiendom, Gaganprit Kaur Plaha, is not in doubt that Accountflow has made everyday life easier … Fagoppdatering Simplify reconciliation? Here is the solution that just makes sense Aider has been one of our most important partners since startup. As one of the most forward-looking accounting offices … Statusoppdatering Accountflow joins NCE Accountflow joins the cluster! "Make Accounting Great Again" Accountflow joins NCE Finance Innovation with ambitious go… Statusoppdatering Accounting of the future - Finansavisen Brothers in balance "Future's accounting" – Change hurts, but it's even worse not to, says Macody. Do we need accountants in the future? In this episode of #LØRN, Silvija speaks with the CEO of Accountflow, Daniel Jara, about the development of the modern … Forrige